Seven Thoughts After Just Finishing Michael Wolff’s “Fire and Fury”

1) You can’t make this stuff up.
2) The eerie similarity of my time on a Southern Baptist mega-church staff executive team to that of the daily spin of the Trump White House.
3) The eerie similarity of Trump to my mega-church pastor.
4) The book helped this media-averse recluse make sense of the convoluted story in a neo-culture where seemingly every hour brings a new bomb-cyclone political event.
5) Many statements confirmed in the book are too striking and similar to daily events to be false.
6) If 10% of this book is true (and I am personally convinced the percentage is much higher)—then America is in even deeper trouble than I thought.
7) It is a tabloid-style book about a tabloid President—and it is impossible to put down. The ultimate guilty pleasure.
You can buy it on Kindle HERE. If you are looking for a print version-good luck. 150,000 were printed and there are over a million pending orders.