*First, A Note to My Courageous Readers: As we enter 2025, my weekly goal for these writings is to reflect what I feel are the essentials of life: sensuality, curiosity, communion, and freedom. I am grateful to have the freedom to write about things that are important to me, to be free to write in my own voice, to tell the whole truth, and not to censor it.
I am also grateful for your active participation and the growing community of subscribers. I was stunned to learn that randyelrod.com grew 113% in 2024. It is encouraging to know that my writing has an audience and that the time it takes (sometimes hours each week) is not wasted.
One reader said it this way in a recent comment: “Thank you for posting these musings,these glimpses…they are my version of ‘languid afternoons reading in my favorite library.’”
If you have friends who would enjoy my candid, uncensored art and writings, please send them this link with a personal note to subscribe: http://randyelrod.com/subscribe
I do not plan to write any more posts this year about American politics unless it seems vitally important. There are only 52 weeks, and I have much to write about sensuality, curiosity, communion, freedom, and so much to express through my uncensored art. Again, thanks so much for reading.
Here in Barcelona, as we enjoyed fireworks, camaraderie, and New Year’s Eve celebrations in peace without fear of a mass murder event, it was horrific to see that America started off the New Year in a gruesome fashion. One of the reasons we left America for good and moved to Spain was the increasing frequency of mass shootings.
Now, each morning at coffee hour in Spain, Gina tells me about a new mass shooting that happened in the US. Consider this astonishing statistic.
Spain had two mass shootings in the past 50 years.
These shootings now happen in different locations, such as schools, supermarkets, hospitals, concerts, and celebrations. The level of mass shooting danger in America has increased to the point where it’s scary to go to places like stores, malls, or schools. It is heartbreaking to see so much violence, and even more so when it happens in a place that should be safe. In my former gym in Florida, there were placards posted everywhere that gave instructions for surviving a mass shooting.
We were raised to believe America is “the greatest country in the world.” It was programmed into our being. It has been a shocking revelation that as we meet people from around the world and hear their conversations, we realize that America is a global disgrace, a laughingstock, a place to visit at the peril of one’s life, and one of the most dangerous countries in the world.
When people ask us where we are from, and we answer, they mime a thumb and forefinger to the head and move the thumb like a trigger. Something similar has happened so often that we now hesitate before answering. Here are some of the lies that the American government, religious institutions, and education systems have drilled into our consciousness from a young age.
Lie 1—Mass Shootings Happen Everywhere and Anywhere
American propaganda says mass shootings happen all over the globe. They say the entire planet is not a safe place to be anymore. However, America is no longer a safe place. In the global rankings of the most dangerous countries, the US ranks as one of the most hazardous, alongside Lebanon, Iran, and Brazil. Source: https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/most-dangerous-countries
The truth is that because of Republican politics and NRA bribes, you can’t prevent mass shootings in America; it is an impossible task, and the gun laws won’t change in the US. No matter how many schoolchildren and innocent people are killed. We chose not to keep living in fear, always looking over our shoulders and wondering when the next mass shooting will happen. Florida had become so insane that Gina was afraid to go to Costco.
Life in the US today gives you two options: emigrating or accepting the situation. We chose the former and moved to Spain, where the society is sane. I have no worries about some nutcase shooting off his AR-15 in public or a truck mowing me down at a New Year’s Party. Spain ranks as one of the safest countries in the world.
Or you can choose to stop going outside or soon wear body armor to protect your life. I have already talked with my financial manager about researching and buying stock in body armor companies. The fact is that daily gun massacres in the US contribute to the chaotic reality Americans face.
Lie 2— Stay in Your Lane: Individualism vs Community
America glorifies individualism, and community isn’t necessary. I first heard the phrase “stay in your lane” in the US. I immediately recoiled at those words. In America, people tend to keep to themselves in the backyard behind their fences. It’s almost like living in a world alone. People in American society are no longer taught to look after each other but rather to take care only of themselves. This individualism leads to people not having empathy, compassion for others, or a sense of belonging, which inevitably leads to more significant problems like mass shootings and rampant loneliness.
We have come to understand that community is of far greater value in Spain. Our new friends here stay in touch with us far more than our friends in America, where we have three-plus decades of history. We feel much more like a part of the community here than we ever did in America, and we have far more friends and acquaintances here.
Lie 3—America Has The Best Healthcare in the World
The United States of America healthcare is ranked 34th in the world. For perspective, poverty-stricken Cuba is ranked 29th. The healthcare system in America is in shambles. Brian Thompson, the United Healthcare CEO, was shot dead in cold blood this past December, and his murderer has been lauded as a hero. This dehumanizing outrage vividly illustrates how horrific the healthcare system is in America. And how devalued life has become.
With an average life expectancy of 86 years old and a global health index score of 92.75, Spain is considered the healthiest country in the world. This outstanding score is due to its strong public healthcare system, access to preventive care, low smoking rate, active lifestyles, and the Mediterranean diet. Spain has the highest life expectancy in Europe, surpassing Australia, the US, Canada, and Norway. Source: Bloomberg Health
Lie 4—Having a President Who Is A Convicted Criminal Won’t Affect Us
The effects of lawlessness on a nation led by convicted criminals and crooks devastate society. When criminals hold power, they manipulate and exploit legal mechanisms to serve their personal interests. This results in:
- The Erosion of the Rule of Law
- Rampant Corruption
- Economic Instability
- Weakened Institutions
- Social Unrest and Crime Surge
- Diminished Civil Liberties
- Brain Drain and International Isolation
Lie 6—The Military and Police Are Here To Protect Us
In reality, they are to be feared. It was an Army veteran who killed ten people on Jan. 1 in New Orleans. Military veterans helped lead the Jan. 6 attack on the United States Capitol. T***p has threatened to use military force against United States citizens. It was police officers who mercilessly beat and killed a handcuffed prisoner four weeks ago. The police killed over 1200 people in 2024. Source: Mapping Police Violence
Three years ago, I canceled my theft alarm monitoring system in our Florida home because I was more afraid of the police than thieves.
And yes, Spain is one of the safest countries in the world. It was hilarious to see the American press sensationalize two women who shot at a tourist with a WATER GUN in Barcelona. We have been welcomed with open arms here. And we have found the police to be friendly and helpful—advocates rather than enemies.
Lie 7—America Offers Peace of Mind
The United States ranked 131st in the Global Peace Ranking for 2023. Its ranking has fallen yearly since 2016, a drop usually attributed to decreased life satisfaction, rising political division, and an increasing wealth gap.
Lie 8—We Are Living The American Dream
To me, America was increasingly like living in a nightmare. Censorship, book bannings, sexual suppression, rewriting and whitewashing history, blatant discrimination, turning back of women’s rights, police brutality and lack of training, inept and extravagantly expensive healthcare, white supremacy, corrupt justice system, and religious nationalism, to name only a few.
I’m sure you’ve seen the meme: “The American dream is to leave.” The American dream has become a fantasy. Many people in the US no longer believe hard work will get you ahead and would take a pay cut for a better quality of life. According to a Wall Street Journal-NORC poll from October 2023, 45% of people think the American dream no longer holds true.
The Association of American Residents Overseas (AARO) estimates that at least 5.4 million Americans lived abroad in 2023. The new dream is to pack up and head to a peaceful European town or a beachside village in Asia, somewhere where the food isn’t poisoning us, you don’t need 2-3 jobs to survive, and where health care isn’t the luxury but the norm, a place where people appreciate the little things and enjoy the slow life; a safe place where the community comes together and supports one another.
The best part about being a US citizen is the ability to leave the US and travel abroad to seek a better life. How long this privilege will last under authoritarian rule is uncertain. Gina and I realize how lucky we are to leave while we could.
Spain has its problems: lack of jobs, affordable housing, dealing with the hordes of tourists, and more. But we feel that for us, as a retired couple with specific needs, i.e., lots of sun, moderate weather, great food, peace and safety, beach proximity, art, culture, affordability, high-quality and affordable healthcare, sexual freedom, and inclusivity, it is the greatest country in the world. We are grateful to call Spain home. I say this as we wait with bated breath for our long-term residency to be renewed. Fingers crossed.
I have been busy painting. Here are two all-new watercolors.
Bella Dama (Spanish Female Nude)
Peeling The Banana (A fun, albeit naughty painting)
4 responses to “The Greatest Country In The World?”
Happy New Year, Randy! Your reflections are always thought-provoking, and this one is no exception. The insights on community, safety, and quality of life resonate deeply. It’s refreshing to see someone courageously challenge narratives and explore what truly matters. Wishing you and Gina a peaceful and fulfilling 2025 in beautiful Spain!
Thanks so much, Michael, for your encouragement. And an excellent 2025 to you as well.
This is all so true. We’re quietly being warned not to attend large events in large cities. Quite frankly, it’s a given that anytime you go anywhere, there’s a risk of a shooting.
Personally, our insurance cost has increased every year for the last 15 years, and this year, it’s increased by over $300 (per month) alone!
I am terrified of what’s going to take place Jan 20 and beyond. I am scared for my daughters.
Yes, it is terrifying. I can’t imagine living there again. Take care of your self and your family, as best you can. Thanks so much, Rebekah, for being a part of this vibrant community.